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Overqualified tells the story of a troubled soul. The protagonist loses his brother in an accident with a drunk driver. Then the remaining parts of his life seem to crumble around him. The narrative is told through over-informative and awkward cover letters.

The author, Joey Comeau, might be known to you as the man behind the words of A Softer World, an online comic known for its strangely depressing sense of humour.

Though the novel is short and only took me a couple hours to read, it’s wonderful. The dark humour is a great way to spend a sick day in bed.

I’ll leave you with another strip from A Softer World… you should be a fan.

3 thoughts on “Overqualified”

  1. I’m passing this web comic onto the boy. I think he will enjoy it. I, on the other hand, really like plots. ;)

  2. Pingback: Never Had To Fight | verbing the adjective noun since 1902

  3. Pingback: Never Had To Fight | verbing the adjective noun since 1902

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