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Doctor Who Serial 122 – Time-Flight

Part One

Looks like they’re heading to Heathrow.

The TARDIS showing up on RADAR seems like it breaks a lot of Doctor Who.

Was there snow on the ground when the TARDIS was hovering over Heathrow?

How did the plane lane on that landscape? Oh, wow they answered that.

How is the makeup on Doctor Who so bad? It’s the 1980s. Even original Trek did better than this 20 years prior. I don’t know if that bad guy is a racist caricature, all I know is let’s assume it is… classic Who hasn’t has a great track record.

Part Two

Yeah, now that I see the facial hair in more detail and the robe, yes it is a racist caricature.

Oh, there’s Adric, I was wondering why he was listed on Wikipedia.

Oh, racist caricature is just a racist Master.

Part Three

Uh oh, the Master stole the TARDIS.

I think the good ole’ TARDIS has seen better days, the door is rather loose.

The Doctor could try to stop the Professor with more than just a casual “stop.”

Part Four

The Concord is taking off, and you can see the buildings in the background. It’s not in the Jurassic period, it’s at an airport.

Oooh, poor Tegan.

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