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Doctor Who Serial 129 – The Five Doctors

Doctor Who loves that “One day, I shall come back” clip.

Richard Hurndall doesn’t look much like William Hartnell.

“Just a twinge of ‘Cosmic Angst.'” That’s my band name. Cosmic Angst. The nerdy teenagers will love it!

God damn, just 30 seconds with Patrick Troughton makes me happy. He’s so good. Best Doctor.

The Brigadier says that someone is his replacement and Troughton replies, “yes, mine was pretty unpromising, too.” Now I have no idea how he knows that as a character, but damn, I love that line, so much.

Jon Pertwee’s abduction wasn’t as great as I would have wanted.

Sarah Jane has a greater part to play in abduction scenes than Jon Pertwee.

And here’s Tom Baker’s archive footage. A shame he wouldn’t participate. I would have loved to see him with Patrick Troughton.

I don’t like this trend of Companions knowing how to use the TARDIS.

Yay! The Master! Time for some moustache twirling!

Hmm, this is the first appearance of the Dalek’s since Tom Baker left.

“Teeth and curls?” Classic!

Peter Davison making excuses to his previous self is great.

It’s nice that they have well maintained paved roads in the Death Zone.

The Commodore 64 graphics in the TARDIS are excellent.

“The scanner is keyed to my, to our, brainwave pattern. Well, well, well, so two of them made it. I wonder what happened to the other.” This is written in William Hartnell’s Doctor voice, and Hurndall fails to master it in any way.

Susan twisting her ankle is probably the best moment in this entire story.

God, I love Gallifreyan fashion.

Susan acts exactly like she did in the good ole’ days.

Cops are bastards on Earth and on Gallifrey.

Patrick Troughton’s cowardess is one of my favourite things of the second doctor era.

Yeah, make Sara Jane carry everything, Doctor.

I love Zoe and Jamie. I miss that trio.

“What happened to the little fellow?”

“I’ve reversed the polarity of the neutron flow.” Thank you Jon Pertwee!

What a romp!

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