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Doctor Who Story 206 – The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone

The Time of Angels

River’s great.

Sulky Doctor because River is better than him is great.

I forgot how great this episode was because I was focused on how bad the story is.

See, and the video clip moving is dumb, but the interactions between the Doctor and Amy, River and the Doctor, Amy and River are all so good.

The Doctor is on Virginia Woolf’s bowling team? Hmm, she died in 1941, a lot later than I would have thought.

Amy’s hand turning to stone. Is that a reference to the Pompeii episode she was in?

The best part of this story is truly the relationship of those three characters. I love it so much.

Flesh and Stone

The forrest is fun. I want a tree-borg.

Did Alex Kingston know that Amy is River’s mum, yet? Did Moffatt?

The Doctor is such an idiot, and I love it.


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