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Doctor Who Story 288 – Spyfall

Part One

Be wery wery qwiet, I’m hunting trucks.

Americans are everywhere.

Poor Ryan, I know what it feels like to be unable to play sports.

Doctor Who writers have a weird obsession with GPS.

Oh, it’s Stephen Fry. He’s an asshole.

Why is this CEO an asshole? He insults his mates over the intercom?

Don’t let the Master loose in your TARDIS.

CEO is a bad shot.

I love his house as the TARDIS.

He’s so good as the Master.

Part Two

How’d they get out of the airplane?

The TARDIS being a house just makes sense.

Paris is fun.

Saying a pacifist is a bold stance to take during World War II, sure it’s bold, but it’s also wrong.

Okay Doctor, leaving the Master (a brown man) with the Nazis is just cruel.

So Capaldi just got Gallifrey back, and they decide to destroy it right away.

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