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Doctor Who Serial 138 – Vengeance on Varos

Part One

Hey dude, I understand. I too hate when beams of light are shone on my stomach.

The creature design in Doctor Who is so bad. This is something that Doctor Who still has a problem with.

Also, this reminds me of the Star Wars prequels, all they talk about is trade.

Wait. Peri is wearing the exact same outfit as the last story, except in blue, and this time properly fitting.

So many dividends.

Now I wish Vincent Adultman was in this episode of Doctor Who.

Except those shorts. They do not fit. If they wanted to show off Peri’s body, they should have fitted those shorts a lot better. #bum

I hope Nicola Bryant was okay with how they dressed Peri and sexualized her, because it’s not right for Doctor Who.

I was gonna call out Peri for pronouncing Z wrong, but the Doctor beat me to it.

They like talking about places being in a constellation. Do they know that constellations are based on a 2D perception of space? Let alone that the Doctor is traveling in four dimensions (five if you include space like Susan did in the pilot episode).

Uh oh! Here comes the Doctor.

So the soldier executing the orders the leaders are paying attention to reports a fault and they just shrug.

I like that the government has golf carts. This scene reminds of the scene in Austin Powers where he tries to turn the golf cart around.

Even without his coat of many colours, his costume is stupid.

Part Two

Wow, the Doctor just dumped two people into a vat of acid and left the room with a “witty1 quip”. It was disgusting.

How many ways can we try to murder the Doctor?


When in doubt, shoot the keyboard.

Golf cart!

The death causing plant tendrils seems like a bad idea to have around.

Is “he needs more than water, Peri, eh?” a play on Perrier?

  1. It wasn’t witty []

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